Sharing Ideas, Experiences and Promoting GIS
Providing a Utility focused group for GIS Professionals in the Midwest
Sharing Ideas, Experiences and Promoting GIS
Providing a Utility focused group for GIS Professionals in the Midwest
Providing a Utility focused group for GIS Professionals in the Midwest
Providing a Utility focused group for GIS Professionals in the Midwest
The Mid-West ESRI utility USERS Group was founded in 2006 by United Services GroupSM a Department of Great River Energy. The intent of this group is to provide a forum where utility companies can collaborate and get Information on the latest ESRI® technology and how it applies to the utility industry. The group is completely volunteer owned and operated and membership is free. Each year in March the group holds a two day conference. It is typically hosted by one of our members so the location of the conference changes. The conference which started out small has now grown to over 100 attendees from utilities across the upper mid-west.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mike Siedschlag, MWEUUG Conference Chair or, James Huffman, MWEUUG Vice-Chair.